Roman Law with Professor Hugh Spitzer

Roman Law with Professor Spitzer was a lot of fun, except for the early morning classes and the somewhat non-participatory behaviour of most classmates... 

Spitzer's course (and the things I read up online during it) added to my understanding of the civil law tradition. And it certainly revived my interest in the ancient world.

I noticed that I was the only LLM in that class. And from the little that I hear about what other Pakistani LLMs in the US were taking, I supposed may have been the only one studying Roman Law. This, in a strange way, made me feel greateful to the eclectic historian Dr. Syed Nomanul Haq whose course on  "World Civilization" I had taken almost eight years before. Had he not introduced me to the historical mode of thinking, I would probably have never gotten down to taking Roman Law.

This course helped me to see the history of law everywhere in the world as something deeply connected. Just a law cannot be understood and hould not be taught in completion isolation from its social context, the various legal traditions of world should not be seen as completely isolated from each other. They are a all a part of our common human heritage.

Two quarters after taking Roman Law, as I began reading Professor Lombardi's book "State law as Islamic law in Egypt", and his recap of the intellectual labours of Maulana Abdur Razzaq al-Sanhuri, I suddenly realized that I would not have been able to grasp this significant episode in Islamic history without having some knowledge of the way jurists in Germany in the 19th century had developed Roman law....

Anyway, let me share Professor Spitzer's course outline...


ROMAN LAW                                                                                      Professor:  Hugh Spitzer
LAW B555                                                                                             Fall Quarter, 2013


Office: 421 Gates Hall -- Phone:  (206) 685-1635
Class Times:  Mon. & Wed. 9:05-10:20 a.m.
Office Hours: Mon. & Wed.  10:30 to noon, or by appointment

            This course provides a basic introduction to Roman law from pre‑classical times to the compilation of Justinian’s Code at the beginning of the Byzantine Empire (450 BCE to 565 CE).  The purpose of the course is: (1) to give students some background in the technical aspects of one of the world’s greatest legal systems, one which has had a profound impact on Anglo‑American common law and which lives today in civil code countries (i.e., a majority of the countries of the world); and (2) to focus on some comparisons between classical Roman law and modern American law to gain an understanding of how separate legal cultures approach similar problems.

            The course will cover the constitutional and historical background of Roman law as it changed over the course of one thousand years:  the law of persons (marriage, families and slavery); the law of property and inheritance; the law of contracts; the law of crimes and torts; and constitutional public law. The focus will be on the “classical” period of Roman law, roughly 100 BCE to 200 CE).

            Knowledge of Latin is not necessary.

            The schedule below may be revised. There are 20 classes listed, but we often slow down somewhat when working through the materials that students find the most fascinating, like the law on personal and family status, and marriage, or the law on contracts.  

            Reading assignments are from Barry Nicholas, An Introduction to Roman Law, and the Additional Readings that can be purchased by students at the University Bookstore and which are also available on reserve in the Gallagher Law Library.  John Crook’s Law and Life in Rome is also on reserve in the Gallagher Law Library.  The indicated readings in Crook are not required, but they provide additional (and often lively) information for the inquiring mind.

            Several short problems are included in the additional readings for class discussion during the quarter.

            The following books are particularly useful in providing background reading and information about Roman history and law:  H. F. Jolowicz, Historical Introduction to the Study of Roman Law (3rd ed., 1972); Michael Grant, History of Rome; Gaius, The Institutes (a 2nd century textbook translated by Zulueta); Wolfgang Kunkel, An Introduction to Roman Legal and Constitutional History (2nd ed. Kelly translation of 6th ed., 1973), and Andrew Borkowski, Textbook on Roman Law (4th ed. 2010 or 3rd ed.2005).  These books are all on reserve in the Gallagher Law Library.

            Final grades will be calculated on a 100-point scale.  85 points will be based on a final exam given at the end of the quarter, and 15 points will be based on class participation. I reserve the right to adjust the allocation of points between the final exam, class participation, any additional assignments, and other evaluation methods. If the class has fewer than 16 students, we will not be subject to the UW Law School’s mandatory grading curve.

            The exam will include some questions that call for short essays, and a few  hypothetical story problems to be analyzed.   The exam is closed. You may use a computer to write the exam. (In fact, you are encouraged to do so because then the answers will be legible!) If you use a computer, you must use Exam4 software, in “CLOSED MODE.” 

                        To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disability Resources for Students, Schmitz Hall, Room 448 at (206)543-8924.  If you have a letter from Disability Resources, please present the letter to me so that we can discuss what accommodations you might need to succeed in and enjoy this course.  



Subject Matter

Reading in Nicholas
Items in “Additional Readings”
Reading in Crook

Historical Overview

  1 ‑ 14
45 ‑ 53
1 – 4

Constitutional Order, Officials and Civil Law in the Republic

14 ‑ 18
5 – 6
7 ‑ 23
Other Sources of Law in the Republic and Early Empire

19 ‑ 38
7 – 11
68 ‑ 97
Constitutional Order and Sources of Law in the Later Empire

38 ‑ 45
12 – 14
5 & 6
Law of Persons:  Status, Citizenship and Slavery

60 ‑ 76
Problem #1
36 ‑ 67
7 & 8
Law of Persons:  Patriarchal Power and Guardianships

76 ‑ 80,
90 ‑ 97
107 ‑ 118
9 & 10
Law of Persons:  Marriage

80 ‑ 90
98 ‑ 106
11 & 12

98 ‑ 157
17 ‑ 18
Problem #2

155 ‑ 162

13 & 14

234 ‑ 270
19 ‑ 22
Problem #3

118 ‑ 132

15 & 16
Obligations:  Contracts

158 ‑ 207
227 ‑ 233
Problem #4
206 ‑ 249

Obligations:  Delicts

207 ‑ 227
250 ‑ 255

268 ‑ 278
Municipal Law

26 – 28
259 ‑ 264


* Readings for each class subject to adjustment, as is the pace of working through the materials.