Dissolving the Law/ Justice Binary: The War of the gods and the path to Oneness

Dissolving the Law/ Justice Binary: The War of the gods and the path to Oneness*
*Written for the Theories of Justice course with Professor Walsh

Bismillahir Rahman ar Rahim.


In a lecture delivered near the end of his life, the great German philosopher and sociologist Max Weber characterized the "fate of our times" as the era "war of the gods". In a lecture, titled "Science as a Vocation" which has come to be considered as one of the profoundest short pieces of the philosophy of science produced in the whole century, Weber spoke about the history of Western civilization as having three major eras: first, the ancient era or the time of "the Hellenic man" who would "at times sacrifice[.] to Aphrodite and at other times to Apollo, and, above all, as everybody sacrificed to the gods of his city"; second, the era of Christian monotheism, whose "grandiose rationalism" and "ethical and methodical conduct of life" dethroned this polytheism in favor of the 'one thing that is needful'"; and finally the modern era, wherein, because of "the realities of outer and inner life, Christianity has deemed it necessary to make... compromises"; and because of these compromises "[w]e live as 

the ancients did when their world was not yet disenchanted of its gods and demons". It is a time in which "[m]any old gods ascend from their graves", adopting the form of "impersonal forces" and "gain[ing] power over our lives and again resum[ing] their eternal struggle with one another."

As I ponder these days over questions of law and justice, I cannot help but view this debate through Weber's profound metaphor: as the battle between the god of justice and the god of law. This battle, like the nasty battles of the Olympian gods, and indeed the battles of the gods of all polytheistic cultures, is likely to go on interminably. When would it end and who will win?

Historically, the battle of the gods have ended only with the emergence of a great prophet who would smash the idols of his time and make Godhead one - just as Abraham, prophet of the Jews, Christians and Muslims did, once did with such spectacular effect. It is from the unification of Godhead, the grandiose rationalism of monotheism or tauheed, that there flows a reordering of the whole intellectual and material landscape of a civilization which ends of the war of the gods.

With that grand picture of our historical situation at the back of our minds, let us look at the matter at hand.


The readings this week require us to look at the following questions: 

1. i). Is it a good to buy "substitute military service" or "surrogate gestation service" from the market? Or would this be an immoral act?

ii). Is it just to let others in society buy and sell other these service? Or does justice demand that we put these services out of the market-place?

2. If one were to ponder on the nature of these questions, they are both normative questions, i.e questions of ethical philosophy. They concern what "ought" to be done, rather than what "is" done. Most people have knee-jerk responses to offer to normative questions; but the truth is that the more we think about these, and the more sensitively we engage in this inquiry, the more complicated and nuanced the situation before us tends to become. Old certainties dissolving in the face of doubt.

3. Corollary to each of these normative questions is a positive question, i.e. a question of the science of jurisprudence. 1. Does the law (whichever legal tradition you seem to be situated in) permit you to buy substitute military service or surrogate gestation service from the market? Or does it prohibit you? 2. If others in the market are engaging in this commerce, what is your duty: to stop them by personal intervention, to report them to the police? Or do you incur no legal duty in this regard?

4. In the pieces assigned for this week, the authors address normative and positive questions side by side - an approach which I approve of. So, when the Judge Sorkow of the Superior Court of New Jersey is trying to prove that there is nothing unethical about the provision of gestation service (surrogate motherhood), he alludes to the law as it is. He says that since a contract for the provision of gestation service is analogous to all other contracts lawfully entered into, there can be nothing unethical in it. Underlying this analysis is the unstated assumption that the law of contracts, as it exists, is based on strong moral principles. All we need to do is to extract those principles and apply them consistently to unprecedented facts before us. Conversely, in another piece, the author digs deep into historical records about how conscription actually was, in order to help us make our judgment about what conscription should be like. 

5. While the authors do seem to be relating the normative and positive aspects to each other, their reasoning is quite haphazard. Nowhere do they make clear the epistemological basis of this approach, which mixes normative and positive analysis. 

6. To understand this approach better, we need to ask ourselves the fundamental question which has never ceased to trouble thinking people since at least the time of Socrates: Does an act become moral because it is legal? Or, does an act become legal because it is moral? In other words, the question is: Do we derive morality from the law, or do we derive our law from our morality? Or do the two have really nothing to do with each other and need to be dealt with totally independently?

7. The tendency of many modern thinkers is to treat both questions as totally separate, of focusing on only one of the two and reducing the other to it. Many a thinker in the past few centuries has tried to work out an a priori theory of justice and then derive the whole of the law from it. Such thinkers do not view the intricate structure of the law as a repository of coded ethical messages which only need to be dug out through the exercise of disciplined and sympathetic reasoning; more likely, they will sit in judgment upon the law as it exists and declare it as immoral using their simple and easy a priori principles. Since, in just about any legal system of the world which actually works, the "life of the law is experience, not logic", these ethical philosophers end up proposing the expunging of large parts of the law. This approach ends up maiming, if not entirely killing, the law. Conversely, there is also no shortage of those who master the details of the law - especially religious law - viewing it as a perfect substitute for ethical reasoning, and try to answer every ethical problem through the literal application of fixed legal rules; this approach ends up killing morality, leaving the law a lifeless shell, a petrified body devoid of its soul.

8. This isolationist tendency of the mind is reinforced by the way the modern academy is structured: that which is legal is to be determined by jurists sitting in the law school and reading one set of texts, while that which is moral is to be determined by the philosophers/theologians sitting in some other school, reading another set of texts. It is as a result of this approach that we often reach a situation where our approaches to law and to morality becomes completely separated. When the moral perspective of jurists and philosophers/theologians becomes completely separate, sooner or later law and morality get divorced.

9. Historical experience as well as common sense suggest that such a situation - where law and morality stand divorced - is disastrous for both law and morality. A divorce between law and morality erodes people's obedience to the law because, contrary to Austin's claim, most people do not follow the law simply because of any threat of sanction. Most people, especially in well-functioning legal systems, follow the law because want to do the right thing and the law is for them  a quick and ready reference for finding out what the right thing is. The more the moral intuitiveness and appeal of the law, the more it will be followed; the greater the divorce between law and morality, the less people will follow the law. A divorce between law and morality also erodes people's faith in morality because, devoid of legal props, a truly moral life begins to seem impossibly difficult. Human being are deeply moral beings; but they are also weak of resolve. Without the lay obliging them to do the moral thing, they often fail to do it; without the law holding their hand, they often commit an immoral act which, in their more composed moments, they regret. In short, when law and morality are divorced, society's legal or ethical system can function effectively in such a situation - at least not for very long.

10. In short, my contention is that we must resist the temptation to favor the normative (ethics) and the positive(law) at the cost of each other, we should try to weld the two the two into a in mutually reinforcing relationship. That is, we should relate them to each other such that the two become one. So, responding to the question posed in paragraph 6, we (jurists as well as philosophers) should  try and understand law (whichever legal system one adheres to) and justice in such a way that each yields to us clues about the other. Lawyers reading philosophical texts and philosophers reading legal texts - as we are doing in this class - is certainly a part of this enterprise.


11. In the backdrop of one billion people celebrating Eid-ul-Azha, the annual Islamic festival commemorating the memory of Abraham, I am tempted to add one more point. In some ways, the approach to law and justice which dissolves the false binary between the two was most closely actualized by traditions of scriptural law, developed by the followers of Abraham, peace be upon him. As Weber put, the unification of the value spheres in the world is the intellectual fruit of monotheism. When the god of law and the god of justice is the same God, both law and justice come to be derived from the same source, His Word, revealed in the form of sacred texts. The scriptures and their faithful interpreters dissolve binaries leading to  atrue intellectual oneness. This is why, one way to deal with this struggle would still be a return to scriptures. Again, the example of Abraham is illustrative. The Holy Bible, in the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament, tells us that God commanded Abraham to offer one of his two sons as a sacrifice - an act that was legal, but seemingly unethical. Since Abraham mustered up the strength to follow God's commandment, i.e. to comply with the law, even a seemingly immoral one. At  the last moment, God replaced his son with a ram. In a sense then, God rewarded Abraham by making his act of sacrifice an ethical as well as a legal act. The One God unified the legal and moral when the two seemed irreconcilable. There seems to me a lot of wisdom in exploring this non-binary approach. Yet, in this era of false binaries and the battle of the Gods, little do we explore the alternatives. 

A few very serious thoughts which have come out perhaps not as clear as I wanted them to be. But I have tried to make an honest point. And God knows better.